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Chose from a variety of options to learn more about God and spend time in His Word.

Sunday Worship

Starting at 10:00, our traditional service brings glory to God through Scripture, music, and prayer. *In person worship is available in the Sanctuary with live stream access in the Fellowship Hall or from home.

Sunday School

Starting at 11:15, classes are available for all ages. Nursery through Elementray School classes and the Adult Fellowship class use curriculum from CEM. Sunday morning Youth, College and Careers, Women's Bible Study, and Men's Bible Study classes use the Bible as the source for custom built lessons. Classes are available for all ages and Nursery and Toddler childcare is also provided.

Wednesday Family Night

Wednesdays during the school year we have classes for all ages from 6:30 to 7:30 PM. This class time focuses on the fundamentals of Christianity. 

Women's Bible Studies

We have two women's circles who meet monthly for Bible study: Jean Love (1st Monday at 3:00 PM) and Alison Erskine (3rd Tuesday at 6:30 PM) There are also opportunities for fellowship within the church and the denomination throughout the year. 

Men's Prayer Group

The men of the church  and community meet on the third Saturday of each month at 8:00 AM for prayer, fellowship and Bible study. They are also paired up as prayer partners during the week and several outings are in the works such as attending a baseball game or bowling. 
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